Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pearl #2

So thinking about this particular blog the past few days has helped me to focus a bit more on the day to day happenings and how my life is unfolding. I will say that a lot of the day I am on auto pilot- make breakfast- clean up-make lunch- clean up- make dinner- clean up. I was thinking how before I had my kids that the day was filled with a lot of "me" time and now it is filled with so much "other's" time that I get a little lost now and then. I have noticed that as I have set my mind to being a better mom/ homemaker that I feel really content with the mundane simple things about life. My daughter and I have recently read the "Little house" books and watched a few pioneer movies and I find that particular time period or era of life so attractive. I know I am viewing the hollywood version and that I wouldn't stand a chance against protecting my children from a bear attack or making my meals from scratch everyday on an open flame, but I have to be honest that sometimes our little life gets to be so busy and overwhelming that I rarely can recall certain times during the week! I keep thinking I am losing my mind and of course I blame it on the mommy brain whenever I can but the truth is life is just to busy now a days! We can never really fly under the radar so to speak. Between cell phones, internet, traffic and busy schedules I feel like I am always splitting myself in many directions. So my very little pearl of wisdom would be that we should slow down. Simply said and hard to carry out I know but just recently I have made some changes in my focus and I have to admit that we are surviving just fine by not getting every phone call, participating in every activity or keeping up with the internet needs. Technology is so wonderful but can be so interfering if we let it (my son is playing the Mario Cart on the wii as I am typing this!) I was making rolls the long way the other day while my husband and kids were playing Mouse Trap in the living room beside me and I had a moment of "my cup runneth over" simply because it was simple life and we need to reach for it and recognize it whenever we can.

Amber mother of 2 (3 if you count my husband-which i do)

1 comment:

  1. So I found this blog you might enjoy...

    It's a single dad that is on a journey to improve his parenting skills...his mom is a parenting expert and has created these parenting tool cards. There are 52 cards with parenting skills and he chooses one each week to focus on. By the end of the year he will have gone through all of them. He has taken the idea and is blogging about his experiences. It is very inspring and amusing too! Check it out, H
