Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pearl #1

One thing I have discovered as I've aged, (now 56), is that time really does heal all wounds. That's a comforting thing to know when you are hurting from betrayal of a family member or best friend, or even a child. When you are going through a painful experience, and especially when you are young, you think that no one could possibly realize how bad it really is. And it may be bad for a very long time. But I have discovered that time does heal the hurts.

When I try to look back on the hard times of raising kids, the tears and the worry, it has all kind of melted away. I remember the good times but, the hard times are so fuzzy that they’ve pretty much disappeared. We humans are very resilient! My daughters will ask me, “well, what did you do when this or that happened" - and I sit there like a dummy. I just can't remember how I handled the situation. I can't even give advice! I know I lived through it, but the bad parts have melted away enough, that I couldn't tell you how I made it better. I think time just made it better. Sometimes forgiveness takes a very long time too. But I know if I hold onto pain, it just multiplies and rules my life.

I guess I just want to spread a little hope, to all the young mothers out there (and anyone else reading), so here’s my “Pearl of Wisdom”:

People will disappoint you, let you down and maybe even betray you. The secret is in how you handle it. Just remember that time is on your side, and the hurt will go away eventually. It's really too big a burden to carry forever.

Lindy, mother of 2, grandmother of 4

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